
Term 2 Wk 30

The normally idyllic lower class could not stand it anymore. They had been mortified by the ruling class for long enough. Galvanized to action by the youngsters, they would throw off the encumbrance that they were carrying, and would not condescend to serve the ruling class any longer.

Term 2 Wk 29

The lean stranger took a once-over at his obese adversary, and let out a snort of disbelief. His opponent started the fracas with a punch to the head, which was avoided without much effort. The stranger kept dodging his blows with lithe movements.Frustrated by his apathy, his adversary rained random blows upon him in the hope that one might hit him, but all were dodged. In the end, his opponent gave up out of tiredness, and the stranger did not even have to lift a finger.