
2009 reflections

This year has been very interesting and i learned a lot this year. I had lots of fun and made new friends. There vwere trails and tribulations but also many great times. This will be the last journal entry for now and ever. I hope next year will be as interesting as this year! Goodbye!


Term 3 Wk 40

The wise leader, surrounded by his clique of nobles, is magnanimous and his wise decisions are greatly extoled by the general population. He attributes his success to his mentor, a vapid old man who although may seem senile on the outside, contains a wealth in wisdom within him.

Term 3 Wk 39

John arrived late and decrepit. He explained his belated arrival with a unbelievable saga, vacillating here and there. In the end, his stutters were met with our opprobrium.

Term 3 Wk 38

Ben is a reticent, stagnant guy. His homogeneous behavior is passe. When people talk to him, he rarely retorts. He is wierd


Term 3 Wk 37

Cold turkey from drugs is a test of oneselfs volition. Through this 'therapy', you must develop a phobia towards drugs. You can get others to help you as well, as they help to motivate you. In the end, you will end up felicitous and free of drugs.

Term 3 Wk 36

Lying is a degrading, unsavory act. It is repugnant to most people. I covet that everyone would just be candid and stop lying.

Term 3 Wk 35

The hirsute, gaunt mad monk always seems to be in a drunken stupor. His sanctimonious babbling is always lampooned by others.

Term 3 Wk 34

Being a politician is a cumbersome job. You must be tenacious and keep up a calm facade. If you accidentally divulge any secrets, slander will arrive at your doorstep from other politicians and the general public.

Term 3 Wk 33

The stock broker is a connoisseur in the stock market. He is discreet, neither impetuous nor slovenly. He gleans information before making a decision.

Term 3 Wk 32

The venerable monk Tang Li is profound. He sees all worldly things as paltry and trivial, although he will do any menial tasks as long as they are for a good cause.

Term 3 Wk 31

Jemaah Islamiyah is a fervid terrorist organization with Muslim beliefs. They go around bombing places or people they say are involved in heresy. Their strident ways have caused a ferment amongst the general population, with many people dissenting against them


Holiday Hw Wk 10

This picture depicts a man and woman performing at an old folk's home. The man is currently performing for the old folks. He is probably doing a traditional dance or playing a game with the old folks. The old folks seem to be enjoying the people's company and are even joining along. In my opinion, the men may have been trained in opening up to people and performing.I think the elderly find this activity interesting as being cooped up in the home all day is not good and it is good to have some exercises to stretch.
A performance that impressed me was a skit i saw in primary school. The actors were so realistic that it was almost hard to imagine that it was just a performance. After that, the whole school resounded with the sound of applause for them. However if it were me, I would not consider a career in acting, as I am very shy and quiet, and cannot express myself well.
I agree that some people worry too much about things. However, I also feel that being uncaring is also not good. I usually get worried about daily things like handing up assignments, upcoming tests and quizzes and exams. However, as long as you believe in yourself and do your best you will have confidence, you have no need to worry about anything.

Holiday Hw Day 8

This picture depicts a woman playing with a group of children. From the surroundings, this appears to be a childcare center and the woman must be a childcare worker there. They all seem to be enjoying themselves by playing together. Playing together helps to form friendship bonds between them. I feel that after this activity, the children would probably move on to another game or settle down for lessons.
I would like to run a car repair shop one day. I have always fascinated by cars, and have learnt a lot about car repair from my father. Furthermore, there will be more and more hybrid cars on the roads in the future, thus i can have my shop specifically target hybrid cars. my strongest skill relating to work or employment would be having beforehand knowledge of car repair, so when my business starts I will have no problem. Running a business may be difficult however, when competitors start to appear, as we would be competing to persuade the customers to patronize our shop.
Difficulties a woman faces by pursuing a career and having a family would be that she would be at work most of the time, unable to take care of her children as they grow up. These employers can help these women by giving them certain days off, for example once a week to take care of their children.

Holiday Hw Wk 6

This picture depicts a group of girls cheering for their school's participants. They seem rather excited, which may be because their school is winning/ They seem to be having a good time at the competition, judging from their expressions. In my opinion, it is good for them to be cheering. The reason for this is that by doing so, it shows that the girls actually care about the event. This will also help to instill in them a greater sense of belonging to their school.
There was one occasion when I wrongly accused my brother of taking my things when he actually did not. I was very angry at him and ignored him when he claimed to be innocent. It was after one week that I found out that he was innocent after all. From this experience, I have learnt not to jump to conclusions and falsely accuse others. I believe that when one makes a mistake, we must admit to it. However, some people may find it hard to admit their mistakes, probably because they do not want to be embarrassed or are just stubborn.
I believe that everyone can be good at sports. There are many different sports to choose from, and anyone can find at least one sport that suits them. However, there are those who excel at sports compared to others. in my opinion, the main reason for this is the amount of effort put into playing the sport. If someone truly loves the sport, he or she would spur themselves to constantly improve. I believe that everyone, regardless of gender are good at sports. As long as they have the interest, they can be good at the sport.

Holiday Hw Day 4

This picture depicts a wheelchair-bound man being helped onto a bus. Someone is helping to push him onto the bus up a ramp, and another is waiting at the top of the ramp to receive him and pull both him and the wheelchair onto the bus. I believe that this man is someone who even though became disabled was able to overcome all obstacles to become well again. The people around him must be thinking that he deserves respect for pulling through everything to survive. I think that next he would travel to different hospitals and encourage the sick and disabled there as well.
A area of natural beauty I have been to would be the Singapore Botanical Gardens. The scenery there is stunning, and the sound of birds and insects chirping are carried on the wind. Yes, I would recommend it to others, as it is a place of relaxation. As for me, it made me feel as though I was somewhere else, letting me forget my troubles momentarily.
We should protect the natural habitats and wildlife, as once they are gone, they can never come back. Right now, mankind's activities have polluted the Earth, and are slowly destroying the Earth and nature. The Earth has been polluted to such an extent such that if these activities are not reduced soon, nature will soon cease to exist, and the Earth may become uninhabitable. it is important to develop cities at the cost of destroying nature only if there is a need to, for example to house a growing population.

Holiday Hw Day 2

This picture depicts a hair-dressing course. It is a practical session where trainees have a chance to have a hands-on approach to hairdressing. They are practicing on false heads of both genders. Some trainees seem to be enjoying themselves, as can be seen from the broad grins on their faces. These are the enthusiastic few, who are new to hairdressing and tend to overdo it a bit. Others, however are the more seasoned trainees, who are equally as enthusiastic but concentrate on doing a good haircut, practicing and refining what they already know. Since all of the trainees in the picture are dark-skinned, I am led to believe that this may be a course organized by a community club or organization for the Malay and Indian minority groups.
My favorite hairstyle is a long fringe to the side and thinly-cut hair. I enjoy going to the hairdresser as I can cut my hair in any particular style I want or according to situations. For example, if the weather is hot and humid, I cut my hair short to feel cooler. Also. my hairdresser can suggest different styles to try, and we can chat about current affairs while my hair is being cut.
I believe that security cameras in public places are necessary to enhance our security. If a crime is committed, the culprits may be caught on tape by the security cameras, making it easier for them to be tracked down and caught. However, security cameras may make people feel less relaxed as they give them the unsettling feeling of being watched. also, if you wanted to do something private, there would be someone sitting behind a screen somewhere, laughing at your antics.


Term 2 Wk 30

The normally idyllic lower class could not stand it anymore. They had been mortified by the ruling class for long enough. Galvanized to action by the youngsters, they would throw off the encumbrance that they were carrying, and would not condescend to serve the ruling class any longer.

Term 2 Wk 29

The lean stranger took a once-over at his obese adversary, and let out a snort of disbelief. His opponent started the fracas with a punch to the head, which was avoided without much effort. The stranger kept dodging his blows with lithe movements.Frustrated by his apathy, his adversary rained random blows upon him in the hope that one might hit him, but all were dodged. In the end, his opponent gave up out of tiredness, and the stranger did not even have to lift a finger.


Term 2 Wk 28

I feel that being old is a bad thing. One is more vulnerable to sickness and disease, and is a easy target for con men to exploit. Impeded by their old age, I have seen many elders disgruntled over the things that they are unable to do. However, most are content to live their life in serenity.

Term 2 Wk 27

The pop star was regarded as a prodigy by many. His origins were obscure, yet he had many ardent fans. It was believed that he would culminate to the pinnacle of his career in a year's time.


Term 2 Wk 26

The lethargic morning was broken by the sound of hostile voices. There was a tussle going on at the foyer between two students who had a strong aversion to each other. Fortunately, they were stopped and rebuked by two teachers.

Term 2 Wk 25

The volcano looked down on the puny humans living right on its doorstep. It could easily erupt anytime, obliterating them without a second thought and dispersing the debris.

Term 2 Wk 24

There are many bizarre legends surrounding the fetish. It may seem like just any other inanimate artifact, but it seems to have a curse which falls on any imprudent person who makes a mockery out of it.

Term 2 Wk 23

Once again, the exams are just around the corner.Exam time is so heterogeneous compared to other times.The pedagogues become more irascible and teach more inordinately. It is an unspoken mandate that we must do well in our exams, or else.......


Term 2 Wk 22

Everyone has something to hide. Juxtapose two people, and they will talk, but will have their own covert secrets, no? To cover something up, people will fabricate a lie, demur the accusations and show an indifference to the subject after that.

Term 2 Wk 21

The rich heiress, scion of the rich oil tycoon, was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She grew up surrounded by opulence, her every want and need catered to by fulsome and obsequious servants. She grew up in a dream world, with no idea of the word poverty. Then, when she was twelve, she took her first steps out of her lush surroundings, and seeing the reality of the situation that other people were in, her eyes were truly opened for the first time.


Term 1 Wk 20

The old man was as stiff as a board, deathly still as he lay slumped over the table, the most of his last meal still untouched. In life, he had been so pesky, ordering people around and reviling people nebulously. As his sole granddaughter and the inheritor of his titanic estate, I had plans that involved a lot of funding, particularly from his vast wealth, and could not patiently wait for him to kick the bucket. Thus, one day, as he was asleep, I added a puissant, undetectable poison into his food. Once he woke up, he ate the poisoned meal, sensing nothing disparate about it. In five minutes, he fell face down onto the table, a mild look of surprise on his face. It was the perfect crime. No one would suspect me.


Term 1 Wk 19

The coup to topple the dictator's evil rule had been a success, and although he begged for amnesty, the people could not forgive his megalomania and cruelty, and sentenced him to a life behind bars. All the expatriates were invited back, and all the innocents who were in prison as a result of the dictator's jealously and iron rule were exonerated, and finally saw the light of day again.

Term 1 Wk 18

The inherent Y4K virus had infected and collapsed a myriad of computers, using a fake front as a veneer to pass through the firewalls.However, using all their innate talents and mathematical genius, the researchers managed to modify the computer system so as to prevent the virus from penetrating through to the system and eliminate it

Term 1 Wk 17

Our section head had concocted a plan to catch the notorious thief who had successfully burgled several houses recently, but it was only known amongst us select few. The subterfuge was necessary as this plan could not afford to fail, lest the perpetrator be alerted and be on his guard. We would find our way out of this winding labyrinth fraught with dangers.


Term 1 Wk 16

In the dark of the night, the silence seemed deafening. As the interloper crept forwards stealthily, the shadows surrounding his face began to fade, and his features came into view, revealing the hard face of a teenage boy that has been through too much. Ace blinked a few times, and squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light. Taking a cursory glance towards his surroundings, he registered the stark white building, with the armed guards patrolling and 2-meter high electric fence perimeter around it, providing a bulwark against any possible threat. Ace gave a slight frown, thinking 'This may be a tough one.'Then, he realized its weakness, that it had no barbed wire on the top of the fence, and smiled. To raid the weapons center was just the first step to overthrowing the sedentary government. He slinked back into the shadows and prepared for the attack.
However, little did he know that his each and every movement was being watched through a CCTV pointed directly at him. The man in the chair laughed, applauding his temerity, and with an mildly amused look on his face, slowly sipped from the glass and continued to watch.

Term 1 Wk 15

Since his accomplice had confessed to complicity in the crime,the court declared the alleged killer, Mr Glen Ek culpable of the liquidation of his older brother, Mr John Ek, and sentenced him to death,causing many a controversy amongst the members of the jury present.


Term 1 Wk 14

When interviewed, the property magnate, owner of houses around the world, told his life story.Growing up with big dreams for the future, he worked very hard in his studies, and graduated from secondary school as the top few in his cohort. Not wanting to follow the stereotype, and get a sinecure as another office worker, he continued his studies in junior college and university, majoring in property studies. After getting his degree, he went on to get a job in the mammoth property company Didmo Inc. Relegated as an property agent, he aspired to be a property tycoon. With his charms, he sold many houses, condominiums and bungalows, rising in rank, gradually achieving his dream.


Term 1 Wk 13

Faced with incontrovertible evidence, the double agent finally admitted to betraying his organization and jeopardizing many others by revealing private information to the rebels, aiding in their efforts to cause a revolution, subjugating the small country under their rule. Fortunately, the evil was nipped at the bud, and the rebellion was repressed and curtailed at an inchoate state. As for the traitor, he was slapped with a thirty year jail sentence, with the chance of being reduced to twenty five years for good behavior.



Nowadays, English is practically the most widely used language worldwide. If your grasp of the English language is good, then you will be able to communicate better with most people. However, if your command of it is poor, then you are in for trouble.
The quickest way to learn English, plainly putting it, is to read books. Books help you to widen your vocabulary, and reading them aloud help with your pronunciation of words. Gradually, from barely being able to string a sentence together, you will be able to speak fluently without any errors, a far cry from your former self.
Basically, for one to be proficient in English is quite simple actually. All you have to do is have a basic understanding and a good vocabulary, and develop an interest to learn. So yes one can improve his/her English skills, through constant practice and hard work.


Term 1 Wk 12

Next to a placard advertising hair wax, a couple was having an argument. The fractious pair were shouting at each other, words accompanied by flamboyant gestures, without any inhibitions at all. Fortunately, a policeman was in the area, and he quickly broke up the quarrel. Their words truncated, they noticed that all eyes were on them. Cheeks turning a deep shade of red, they quickly and quietly darted off.


Term 1 Week 11

The dreaded thing we all know as SCHOOL is yet about to elapse once again! Waking to the fruitless ringing of our alarm clocks in the attempt to wake us up, we shall groggily get up from bed, and prepare for school. Once again, shall we see those black gates towering over us, inundated by zealous Sec 1 students, excited by their new surroundings. We let out an sigh, and walk through the gates to the start of the first day of school. However, we still have the happy knowledge that a new year is a new start, and thus we begin the new school year with sanguine feelings.


Oh wait 1 more thing are we supposed to come up with our own topic? Pls reply quick quick thanks!
hey mr kek i jus realised that i dun understand ur instructions! :?
You say that post 2 entries by friday but ur blog say by sunday so i assume is sunday ok?
Hope u dont mind:P
hi ppl testing...........
jus set up ytd fixing here make sure u comment:D
but dun spam hor:<